Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Weekly Quotation 6:

"Symbolize and summarize." 

-Saul Bass: American graphic designer and filmmaker

I came across this quotation whilst working on a project for my Printed Word class, which is part of the graphic design major.  Saul Bass was famous for his innovative movie title sequences, creating some of the most iconic corporate logos of the 20th century (such as the Girl Scouts, Quaker Oats, Dixie, Whole Foods, and many others) and originating "extremely simplified" graphic design art.  Saul Bass was a master at using symbolization to convey his work to the masses.  As a designer, one must be able to exhibit their work in an organized manner while still presenting a message to the viewer.  I think that Bass's statement means as a designer one must condense their work into a single theme while still having the work hold a meaning that can be interpreted many different ways.

Sampling of Bass's work:
Selected works, paper-cuts and computer. 1940-1996.

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